Dear Dr. Bernstein and Staff:

Prior to your program I had been doing Weight Watchers. It took so long that I began to get discouraged and gain weight back. I did lose 20 pounds, but it took me almost 1 1/2 years and I am not a patient person. I had been a slim person most of my life until my late 30’s. Long story short, I had become so discouraged and embarrassed that I didn’t want to see anyone who knew me when I was skinny. I stopped looking at all the fashion magazines, as they just made me feel worse. I used to be in a size 8 to 10 and at my heaviest I had gotten up to a 16. This was traumatic for me.

I recently began the Dr. Bernstein program on March 19th, 2009. I have lost over 23 pounds in almost two months. I found the nurses and the doctor amazing. I found that the program is a lifelong change that I could make and keep the weight off. Debbie and Jeanette, the nurses at my clinic prepared me for my future. They gave me the confidence and tools to keep the weight off. I am happy to report that I have been gone for almost a month and have not gained one pound back and have even continued to lose. What’s more amazing to me is that Dr. B’s program changed my entire eating habits and got me into the habit of eating naturally good food. I use to eat a lot of sweets, however I lost my craving for them and it used to be uncontrollable. I had my first brownie in three months and after a couple of bites I didn’t want any more. I wanted fruit. Anyone that knows me knows that is a big deal. I have been able to eat most anything I want, I just watch the portions and use the tools I learned from the clinic. It really has become easy.

I want to thank Dr. Bernstein and the clinic staff for helping me achieve my goals. I am a very goal driven person; however getting the weight off was the one goal I wasn’t able to accomplish until now. I wasn’t embarrassed seeing the people I haven’t seen in years. In fact I was proud. I have a new wardrobe and threw out all my size 12 to 16 clothes…happily.

I see the ads on television for other programs where you eat their food… I tried it and hated it… and I think why don’t you just do Dr. Bernstein’s program. It much less expensive, you shop at the grocery store and you eat normal food. Plus you will learn how to keep weight off for life without tricks. My entire family eats healthier now.

I believe in your program and would stake my life on it. Thank you for giving me my dignity back.

D. V.

*Individual weight loss may vary. Call for details. Compliance with our program is required.