Diabetes is a very common problem and there are many people who are diabetic because they are overweight. The extra weight results in poor carbohydrate control. They develop diabetes and will need insulin and/or other medications to control their blood sugars. Many of these people even continue to gain weight as a result of the pills and the insulin.

When you follow a healthy diet and lose weight properly, you have better control of your foods and blood sugar levels. Inevitably you’ll see that control becomes easier with less medication. All our Type 2 diabetic patients (often called adult onset diabetes) end up reducing or discontinuing their costly medications (pills and insulin).

Proper weight loss results in a lowering of high cholesterol and a reduction in hypertension. Thus, our doctors are able to reduce or discontinue medications you are taking to control these diseases.

*Individual weight loss may vary. Call for details. Compliance with our program is required.